Fintral Cryptocurrency Price API

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Cryptocurrency Price API Documentation

Data is fetched from live cryptocurrency and foreign exchange markets every 6 seconds.

The API can convert fiat-to-fiat, crypto-to-fiat, fiat-to-crypto, or crypto-to-crypto.

The API will output a JSON response, which is compatible with most languages, including, Javascript, PHP, cURL, Go, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, R, C++, C, and Objective C.

API Endpoints

Live Cryptocurrency and Foreign Exchange API

API Link:{currency 1}/{currency 2}

This API will allow you to get the real-time trading price of a specific cryptocurrency based on the selected fiat currency.

Please make a note that {currency 1} will always be 1, while {currency 2} will be the amount of value equivalent to 1 unit of currency #1.

Historic Cryptocurrency API (For USD Prices)

API Link:{cryptocurrency}

The historic cryptocurrency API only supports cryptocurrencies at this time. The output of this API will display the entire price history of the cryptocurrency.

Historic Cryptocurrency API (For All Currencies)

API Link:{cryptocurrency}/{fiat currency}

The historical cryptocurrency data API only supports cryptocurrencies at this time. The output of this API will display the entire price history of the cryptocurrency based on the fiat currency provided. Please see list below for compatible fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.

API Limits

There are currently no API limits or restrictions. Please do not abuse the API server, since this server is intended for development projects ONLY!

Obtain an API Token/Key

No API tokens or keys will be issued at the moment. So, for the time being, this API service is free. Please use this free API for development purposes ONLY! Please contact your admin if you need an API for production use.

Supported Fiat Currencies:

Supported Cryptocurrencies: